Reentry Roundtable

Cooperating for Effective Statewide Reentry:
A report on the reality and needs for reentry in the State of Maryland

Francis, Crystal R., Caroom, P. Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform (MAJR)

Nearly 4,000 people are released from correctional facilities and return to communities across Maryland each year. Almost half return to Baltimore City and Baltimore County. Of those that return home, some experience challenges obtaining an education, employment, healthcare, and other social or support services, preventing a seamless reentry process.

Realizing the reentry challenges that returning citizens in Maryland face, 122 stakeholders assembled at a Roundtable Forum to identify solutions to problems impacting reentry in Maryland. The participants comprised 30 government employees, 30 community-based reentry service providers, 30 policy advocates, and 22 returned citizens.

The Roundtable discussions focused on the following themes: intake, risk assessment, and data sharing; reentry preparation for prisoners; designing an individual reentry plan; measuring progress; and post reentry success. This report summarizes the findings and recommendations agreed upon by participants at the Roundtable held on September 16, 2019, at the University of Maryland Law School, Westminster Conference Center in Baltimore, Maryland.

Read the full report here.