Legislation – 2021

MAJR Initiatives

House Bill
Senate Bill
Override Governor's Veto
Kirwan Commission HB1300 SB1000 Strong Schools H:Veto overridden (97-38) S:Veto overridden (31-15)
Womens' Prerelease Facility HB0801 SB0684 OFJ H:Veto overridden (96-40) S:Veto overridden (32-15)
Expungement HB0083, HB1336 SB0699, SB0589 JOTF H:Veto overridden (96-38) S:Veto overridden (31-15)
Front Door Legislation
Citations in Lieu of Arrest (testimony) HB0445 SB0671 MAJR SB671 Passed both chambers, sent to governor
Felony Murder HB1115 MAJR H:Withdrawn
Juvenile Felony Murder (Testimony1) (Testimony2) HB0385 SB0395 MAJR H:1/21 S:3/16
Juvenile Restoration Act (Testimony) HB0409 SB0494 Lewis SB494 Passed both chambers, vetoed by governor, Overridden by both chambers.
Pretrial Release – Home Detention Monitoring (testimony) HB0316 SB0023 MAJR HB316 passed both chambers, became law without governor's signature.
Pretrial Services (testimony) HB0126 SB0229 MAJR HB126 Passed both chambers, became law without governor's signature.
Driver's Licenses Suspension HB0580 SB0402 JOTF H:2/11 S:2/9
Prosecutors HB0502 SB0456 MAJR Withdrawn
Marijuana Legalization (testimony) (more) HB0032 SB0708 MAJR H:2/16 S:3/4
Crisis Response Services (testimony) HB0108 SB0286 MAJR H:2/2  SB286 passed both chambers, became law without governor's signature.
Juvenile Justice Reform (testimony) HB1187 SB0853 MAJR H:Passed (95-41) Senate passed house bill amended (extended commission), passed house, became law without governor's signature.
Behind the Walls
Solitary -Mentally Ill HB0851 IAHR H:2/23
Solitary -Step-down Programs (Testimony) HB0131 IAHR H: 1/26
Geriatric Parole (testimony) HB0426 MAJR H:2/2
Inmate Health MPRC
Remove Governor from Parole (Testimony) (More) HB0003 SB0202 ACLU, MRJI SB202 Passed both chambers, vetoed by governor.
Correctional Ombudsman (testimony) HB1188 SB0809 MAJR H:3/9 S:3/9
Model Prison Pilot HB0698 SB0742 MAJR Withdrawn
Inmate Earnings (Testimony) (More) HB0102 SB0194 MAJR H:1/26 – 1:30 S:2/4
Education: Diminution Credits (Testimony) HB0089 SB0397 MAJR HB89 Passed both chambers, became law without governor's signature.
Juvenile Services Education HB0071 SB0497 MAJR S:2/17
Inmate Cost-of-Living HB0100 MAJR H: Passed (131-4)
Back Door Initiatives
Incentive Programs for Hiring and Retraining (HB835)
Automatic Expungement HB0238 MAJR H:2/23
Partial Expungement HB0882 SB0874 MAJR SB874 Passed both houses and became law without governor's signature.
Collateral Consequences Study SB0039 MAJR 2/9  1pm Educ

Updated Police-Related Legislation

House Bill
Senate Bill
Body-worn cameras and Use of Force SB71 Judiciary Passed both chambers, vetoed by governor, overridden by both chambers
Search Warrants and Investigation Records  SB0178 Judiciary Passed both chambers, vetoed by governor, overridden by both chambers
Police Discipline and Procedures HB0670 Judiciary Passed both chambers, vetoed by governor, overridden by both chambers
Surplus Military Equipment and Investigation of Deaths Caused by Police (testimony) SB0600 Judiciary Passed both chambers, allowed to go into law without governors signature

House Judiciary Committee Police-Related Legislation

House Bill
Senate Bill
Body-worn cameras HB0187 Judiciary H: 2/9 1:30
Use of force statute (testimony) HB0139 SB0626 Judiciary H: 2/9 S: Passed 35-12
Independent investigations (testimony) HB1035 Judiciary H:2/15
Repeal LEOBR HB0151 Judiciary H: 2/9 1:30
No-Knock Warrant HB0188 Judiciary H: 2/9 1:30
Search Warrants HB0241 Judiciary H: 2/12
Prosecution of Officer HB0365 Judiciary H:2/12/1:30
Implicit Bias Testing HB0194 Judiciary H:2/16 1:30

Judicial Proceedings Committee Police-Related Legislation

House Bill
Senate Bill
Police Officers – Duty to Intervene SB0050 JPR S:1/21 – 11 a.m.
Police Officers – Duty to Report Misconduct SB0166 JPR S:1/21 – 11 a.m.
 State Prosecutor – Investigation of Crimes Committed by Police Officers HB0120 SB0178 JPR H:2/9 1:30 S:Passed 29-18
Maryland Police Psychological Evaluations SB0042  JPR S:1/21 – 11 a.m.
Law Enforcement Accountability and Discipline Act of 2021 SB0071 JPR S:Passed 47-0
Police Officers – Sexual Activity HB0411 SB0043 H: Passed 98-36 S:Passed 47-0
Law Enforcement Reform HB0707 SB0237 H:2/12 S:1/21
Performance Review Board SB0260 S:1/21 – 11 a.m.
LEOBR – Uniform Discipline SB0381 S:1/28 – 11 a.m.

PRA: House Workgroup on Police Reform and Accountability

JPR: Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee