Certificate of Rehabilitation
An Extension to the Justice Reinvestment Act
Although it is state policy to encourage employment and remove barriers to employment, this provision of the JRA did not address the potential liability of employers who offer jobs to returning citizens.
A new empirical study provides important evidence that “certificates of recovery/relief” can be effective in facilitating employment opportunities for people with a criminal record. Two University of South Carolina criminologists have concluded that employers in Ohio are willing to look beyond the criminal histories of job applicants who have been issued a Certificate of Qualification for Employment (CQE) from a state court. The study found that individuals with a felony drug conviction were more than three times as likely to receive a job interview or offer if they had received a CQE. See: http://ccresourcecenter.org/2016/05/25/new-study-suggests-certificates-of-relief-are-working-to-create-jobs/
The 2016 Justice Reinvestment Act (Maryland Code section 7–104 (a)) authorizes the Certificate of Rehabilitation. What is required is the addition of one subsection specifying that “an employer, who hires an individual with knowledge that the individual has received a certificate of rehabilitation, shall be presumed to have acted with due diligence and without negligence in relation to consideration of the individual’s prior record.”
“Study Shows Certificates Work to Create Job Opportunities,” May 25, 2016, by Joshua Gaines. http://ccresourcecenter.org/2016/05/25/new-study-suggests-certificates-of-relief-are-working-to-create-jobs/
There are a number of organizations listed on the CCRC website which address re-entry problems. Particularly helpful are the following sites:
- See, for example, Reentry.net, Serving people from arrest to reintegration: https://www.reentry.net/
- The Council of State Governments Justice Center: https://csgjusticecenter.org/projects/integrated-reentry-and-employment-strategies/
- The Sentencing Project’s web section on collateral consequences: http://www.sentencingproject.org/issues/collateral-consequences/
- The website for the New Southern Strategy Coalition: http://newsouthernstrategy.org/
- The ABA Criminal Justice Section and its materials on collateral consequences.
- Also see the Legal Action Center website, http://lac.org. It offers resources pertinent to certificates of rehabilitation such as http://lac.org/what-we-do/criminal-justice/reducing-criminal-record-barriers-to-employment/
Many other resources can be found at: https://www.ma4jr.org/returning-citizens/