Coordinating Council

member affiliation
Adrian Bishop Adrian Bishop, Stony Run Friends: Meeting Coordinator
Diamonte Brown Diamonte Brown, Out For Justice
caroom2 Philip Caroom
Former chair Maryland Judic. Conf. Ad Hoc Committee on Sentencing, Alternatives, Reentry & Best Practices
Former Judicial Liaison to Maryland Reentry Taskforce
Candy Clark Candy Clark, Unitarian Universalist Legislative Priorities
ervin4 Christopher Ervin
Vice Chairman, The Committee Of Concerned Citizens
President of The Lazarus Rite LLC
identicon1s Vince Greco, Maryland C.U.R.E.
leagreen5 Lea Green
Director, Maryland C.U.R.E.
identicon3s Jerry Mclaurin, People for Change
Schenck2 Patience Schenck
Member, Annapolis Friends Peace and Justice Center