Correctional Ombudsman Now

Maryland’s legislative session is short – only 90 days. And we are over halfway through. One important deadline looms: the “Cross-Over Date” is Monday, 3/21/22. Bills not sent by Committees for a Floor Vote by then may be effectively dead for this year.

One of MAJR’s top priority bills for 2022 — HB0604/SB0512 — would create a Correctional Ombudsman to provide independent reports on the many problems in Maryland prisons. This bill needs your help to ensure a timely vote this year!

What problems might an Ombudsman focus on? Here are a few current ones: Insufficient COVID-19 and other healthcare for prisoners; unfair and arbitrary penalties for prisoners, prison-volunteers and visitors; lack of services such as education, job-training, drug treatment and reentry preparation. These problems and others regularly occur with minimal publicity and attention due to lack of independent oversight.

Please take action and click on the link below to ask the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, and the Chairman of committees to hold a vote on these bills before the end of crossover day, Monday, 3/21/22!

Click on this link and let your voice be heard in Annapolis!