Muster – Safe Harbor

[Action Alert text]

Work for Safe Harbor Laws

Don’t put children in jail for being victims of human trafficking!

Human trafficking is a horrible crime that continues to exist in Maryland and occurs throughout the State. Three major airports, inexpensive bus transportation, train service along the east coast, large sporting events and disposable income all make Maryland an attractive destination for traffickers.[1]

According to the Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force, victims and traffickers have told law enforcement that Maryland is a “goldmine” for human trafficking. Human trafficking has been around for centuries; however, it is an emerging crime in Maryland.

According to The Washington Post, Maryland ranks among the worst states when it comes to protecting child victims of sex trafficking. Rated by Shared Hope International (, Maryland was one of 40 states that received an F.

This is not how Maryland wants to be known. This is not how we want to treat our children. We mustdo better!

What Can Be Done?

Safe Harbor Laws ensure that trafficked children are treated as victims, not criminals, and direct them to support services including medical care, counseling, safe housing, and remedial education.

HB0833 / SB0768  (“Safe Harbor and Service Response”) protects child victims of sex trafficking from unjust criminalization.

What We Need You to Do

“Through Safe Harbor legislation we can ensure that every victimized child receives the services they need, that every victimized child is treated as a victim and not a criminal, and that every victimized child is not pushed further into the shadows of human trafficking.”[2]

Ask your legislator to support HB0833/SB0768 and prevent vulnerable, traumatized child victims of sex trafficking from being further victimized by Maryland’s juvenile justice system and redirect them from incarceration to wrap-around services.


[email to legislator]

As your constituent I urge you Support HB0833/SB0768 and prevent vulnerable, traumatized child victims of sex trafficking from being further victimized by Maryland’s juvenile justice system

Human trafficking is a horrible crime that continues to exist in Maryland and affects all parts of the State. Three major airports, inexpensive bus transportation, train service along the east coast, large sporting events and disposable income all make Maryland an attractive destination for traffickers. [see]

According to the Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force, victims and traffickers have told law enforcement that Maryland is a “goldmine” for human trafficking. Human trafficking has been around for centuries; however, it is an emerging crime in Maryland.

According to The Washington Post, Maryland ranks among the worst states when it comes to protecting child victims of sex trafficking. Rated by Shared Hope International (, Maryland was one of 40 states that received an F.

This is not how Maryland wants to be known. This is not how we want to treat our children. We must do better!

Safe Harbor Laws ensure that trafficked children are treated as victims, not criminals, and direct them to support services including medical care, counseling, safe housing, and remedial education. HB0833/SB0768 protects child victims of sex trafficking from unjust criminalization.

District of Columbia, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, and other states have passed Safe Harbor Laws that protect minors from criminalization for prostitution. Delaware, District of Columbia, New Hampshire, and Vermont, and other states have passed Safe Harbor Laws that direct juvenile sex trafficking victims to specialized services.  Legislation such as HB0833/SB0768 will go a long way to prevent vulnerable, traumatized youth who are victims of sex trafficking from being further victimized by Maryland’s juvenile justice system by directing them to needed wrap-around services instead of incarceration.

Help children in Maryland who have been victimized by sex-traffickers. Support the much needed legislation called for in HB0833/SB0768 and provide a safe harbor for those children.