Commission Hears Report of Recent School Arrest Data
Maryland’s Commission on the School to Prison Pipeline continued to hear presentations at its most recent meeting on January 22, 2018. The Commission takes great notes, so check them out for a full report.
Especially interesting was Walt Sallee’s presentation on behalf of the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) on School Arrest Data from Local School Systems. A first report on the data is now available for the school year 2015-16. The total number of arrests reported was 2761, with the largest numbers occurring in Prince George’s County (588), Baltimore County (393), and Montgomery County (304). Of the total arrests, 67 percent were male and 65 percent were African American. The most common reason for arrest was assault.
Commissioners raised numerous questions about the data and how the information was obtained and verified. A manual developed by MSDE addresses many questions about methodology. Missing data highlighted by Commissioners include the number of times the police were called to the school but the interaction did not result in an arrest. Some felt these data were important in that they would shed light on the extent to which police are implementing alternative or restorative practices.
Thanks to Patricia Marks for attending this meeting on behalf of MAJR and preparing a report for us.