Bernard W Semler II
Washington County
- In your opinion is there a difference between being “tough on crime” and being “smart on crime”? Please explain.
The difference is semantics. What are the opposites? Being “weak on crime” or being “dumb on crime”? Neither of those options seem better than the other. Being tough on crime doesn’t just mean harsher sentences. I believe that you can be tough on crime while also being tough on the causes of crime. Proactively addressing addiction, mental health, homelessness and unemployment can drastically reduce crime before it occurs by giving those that need and want help the resources they require so that they do not offend or reoffend. However, those that choose to victimize others despite the availability of proactive intervention opportunities must be held accountable and sentenced accordingly to ensure overall public safety.
- Should minor offenses be decriminalized, resulting in fines instead of jail time?
Which “minor offenses” are you suggesting be decriminalized? Any offense where the perpetrator victimizes someone else should not be decriminalized. Fines also are not often a viable solution in lieu of jail time especially where the offender has no money or is struggling with addiction. The fine by itself doesn’t provide treatment, access to resources or meaningful consequences.
- Do you favor using pretrial risk assessment? Will you recommend pretrial supervision?
I would not object to the use of pretrial risk assessment as long as it did not interfere with the discretionary decision-making of the presiding judge. However, my primary concern would always be public safety when assessing whether an arrested person should be released or detained.
- Would you work to expand criminal diversions in which willing victims and offenders are offered mediation?
It depends on what the pending crime is that you are considering for criminal diversion to mediation. For example, domestic violence or any violent crimes should not be eligible for mediation. Additionally, for lower level misdemeanors community service hours should be a mandatory requirement of any mediation process as many crimes don’t just harm the victim but also lead to the overall erosion of the community.
- Would you support reentry programs to improve employment opportunities for inmates returning from state prison sentences?
I absolutely would support reentry programs to improve employment opportunities for inmates returning from state prison sentences. Goodwill has had numerous success stories where they provide training and assist individuals with obtaining employment. Quality employment is a key step to reducing recidivism.
- Would you support mental health screening and treatment of pretrial detainees?
I would support mental health screening and treatment of pretrial detainees. Mental health issues are to often not addressed appropriately leading those struggling with mental health issues to continue to reoffend.