Volunteer Survey

You are receiving this message because you indicated that you wished to volunteer when you signed up as a supporter of the Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform. We now want to give you that opportunity.

MAJR, a volunteer organization, has established three workgroups and two committees to help us focus on the most important issues of the day. MAJR was particularly active in the 2016 legislative session which adopted the Justice Reinvestment Act. Many measures on that Act will become effective in October 2017. MAJR needs to monitor and report on how the Act is being implemented. Each of our committees has a significant role to play in our advocacy

Please join us by taking the following survey:

This brief survey is just a start. We need to hear from you. We need to hear your suggestions. We need to understand better what path the Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform needs to take in the future.

One simple way to contact us and tell us more is to fill out the form at https://www.ma4jr.org/contact-us/

Thanks from all of us at MAJR.