CourtSystem. This website offers a search of complete, up-to-date public records for criminal and court systems in the U.S. is free, and provides accurate and up-to-date information for local court or prison records or background information on people – as well as details on local government offices.
AFSC. The American Friends Service Committee publishes resources related to ending mass incarceration, prison privatization, solitary confinement, and the impacts of incarceration.
IAHR. Interfaith Action for Human Rights focuses on reducing practices that violate human dignity within the mid-Atlantic region, including prolonged solitary confinement.
NAACP. The NAACP offers a variety of resources to promote “smarter, results-based criminal justice policies to keep our communities safe.”
The Sentencing Project. An array of resources related to incarceration, racial disparity, and other topics are available through The Sentencing Project.
The Marshall Project. This site provides news about signal events in criminal justice.
MCIW Women of Wisdom. Learn about the support for women in and alumnae of the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women.
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. The NACDL offers a wide range of information related to criminal justice reform. For example, check out “racial disparity” under the criminal defense tab and the Excessive Sentencing Project under the Resource Center.