Who We Are

The Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform (MAJR) is a nonpartisan, all-volunteer organization of more than 1500 Marylanders who advocate for evidence-based legislative and policy changes in Maryland’s correctional practices to support effective alternatives to incarceration, address inequities, and allow citizens returning from prison to lead productive lives.

Honorary Chair

Chief Judge Robert M. Bell 

Maryland Court of Appeals (1996-2013)

Chief Judge Bell has experienced Maryland’s criminal justice system at every level: as a juvenile-defendant, a practicing attorney, and as a judge in the District, Circuit, and both appellate courts. He has stated, “It is imperative that our legal system operate without bias of any kind, and be perceived as dispensing justice fairly and equitably,” throughout his career deciding cases and providing administrative leadership to facilitate such progress.

Judith Sachwald

Past Director of Parole and Probation

The word “justice” suggests that we adopt, nurture, and revise when necessary, policies and practices that provide fair and equitable treatment for every individual touched by our justice system including individuals arrested for crimes whether released, charged, or placed in pretrial status; individuals participating in a trial or sentencing; individuals sentenced to facility- or community corrections; and individuals and communities harmed by criminal activity. The diverse individuals and organizations that form the Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform bring expansive knowledge, experience, and practical solutions to augment Maryland’s executive and legislative efforts to enhance public safety and ensure objective and unbiased treatment for all involved participants. I am honored to serve with former Chief Judge Robert M. Bell as an honorary co-chair.

MAJR Executive Committee

member affiliation
caroom2 Philip Caroom
Former chair Maryland Judic. Conf. Ad Hoc Committee on Sentencing, Alternatives, Reentry & Best Practices
Former Judicial Liaison to Maryland Reentry Taskforce
Bridget Brennan, Webmaster
Bill Carlson, Treasurer
Dr. Crystal Francis, Senior Program Analyst for the Federal Government
Vince Greco Vince Greco, Maryland C.U.R.E.
Out for Justice
JCI Prison Scholars Program
Extra-Legalese Group, Inc.
Darrell Hale
Back Door Workgroup
Judith Lichtenberg, Professor emerita of philosophy at Georgetown University
Lea Green Lea Green
Director, Maryland C.U.R.E.
Patricia Marks, Putting Mercy Into Criminal Justice
Olinda Moyd, Attorney, Advocate & Activist.
Donna Rojas, Reentry/Reintegration Consultant and Facilitator
Jim Rose Jim Rose,Webmaster
Jenny Zito, WISE Poverty, Education, and Criminal Justice Reform.


MAJR Coordinators

member affiliation
Mary Brown-Bey, Women's Issues Coordinator.
Jerry McLaurin Jerry Mclaurin, Prince Georges County Coordinator, Founder, People For Change Coalition